Naksha bori,gaynabori,sun dried lentil paste designs,sundried cones of lentil paste designs


1 cup White Urad Dal or black gram with skin
1/2 tbsp Salt
1/3 cup Poppy seeds


Generally Gayna Boris are made with black gram with skin on, which is soaked overnight then rubbed on jute or any rough surface to peel them.Blend in a mixie without any water.Make a very fine paste.Take this paste in a big bowl. Mix in the salt and start beating as vigorously as possible. It should become very fluffy and when a spoonful placed on water it should float.Now to make designs pour the mixture in a piping bag or simply make cones with polythene or place these in a thick piece of cotton fabric with a nozzle set in the middle.The designs should not be very thin as the sun will make them thinner and brittle.Grease 2-3 steel plates and sprinkle poppyseeds to cover the surface completely. Use toothpick to stop the batter coming out from the cone.
Once done dry them in sun for 3-4 hours and let them sit on the plates overnight. Next day if still moist again dry for 1-2 hours.Keep them stored in airtight container.
To Fry:
To fry them just heat some oil and shallow fry them till lightly browned on each side.serve. with rice.
If wasn’t having enough poppyseeds you can mixed it with white toasted sesame seeds. 
Urad dal benfits:
Provides energy, Protein source,Boosts heart health.Thanks for Visiting

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