Women in Agriculture|Special Provisions for Women Farmers Schemes

Women in Agriculture |Special Provisions for Women Farmers Schemes

Women are the backbone of any developed society. The central role of women in any society ensures stability, progress and long-term development of a nation. In agriculture sector primary focus is given to only one gender. Male is the dominant decision maker of this industry and benefit seeker of the policies. The kind of farming men practice is highly involved and commercially active, geared towards domestic and international markets. Agriculture sector as a whole has developed and emerged immensely by empowering men with technology. But this emergence is incapable of lifting the status of women labor as an integral part of the industry. In a developing country like India, agriculture contributes 13.5% to the GDP of the economy. It provides 55% employment in the country out of which a good number of work force is shared by women. Role of women in this sector cannot be ignored they comprise 33% of the agriculture labor force and 48% of the self-employed farmers.
  • Bihar’s agriculture sector is highly feminized, with 50.1% of the total workforce engaged in farming activities being women (‘Women in the informal economy of Bihar’ – ADRI)
  • 70% of all women engaged in cultivation are from households witnessing migration. (Report released in 2014 by IHD, New Delhi)
  • About 60-80% food are produced by rural women.

Special Provisions for Women:

National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Technology (NMAET) – Sub-Mission on Agricultural Extension (SAME)
Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA):

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
aSpecific provisions (only for Women)


Support for Women Food Security Groups (FSGs)

  • Groups exclusively of women farmer established and supported under ATMA Cafeteria as a mandatory activity @ Rs.0.10 lakh per group/year to achieve food security at the domestic/house hold level through setting up of kitchen garden, promoting off farm activities such as piggery, goat-rearing, bee-keeping etc.
  • Support available for at least 2 FSGs/Block.


Support for Gender Coordinator

  • One ‘Gender Coordinator’/State in the team of committed extension personnel under ATMA to ensure that funds and benefits for training/ capacity building and extension support etc. are provided to them in proportion to their numbers.


Representation of Women farmers in decision making bodies

  • Provision for mandatory representation of Women Farmers in
  • State, District, Block Farmer Advisory Committees .
  • ATMA Governing & ATMA Management Committee at District Level


As Beneficiary

  • At least 30% of total scheme beneficiaries are to be women; and
  • Minimum 30% of resources meant for programmes and activities are to be allocated to women farmers and women extension functionaries.

Agri-Clinics & Agri-Business Centers (ACABC)

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
a)Provisions (where women get benefits either over & above/along with men)


Back-ended Composite Subsidy

  • 44% Back-ended composite subsidy towards cost of project to women as compared to 36% to men

Mass Media Support to Agricultural Extension

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
a)Provisions (where women get benefits either over & above/along with men)


Back-ended Composite Subsidy

  • 44% Back-ended composite subsidy towards cost of project to women as compared to 36% to men

Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
a)Provisions (only for Women)


As Beneficiary

  • Specific coverage of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe,and women beneficiaries for programmatic interventions.
  • Assistance for horticulture mechanization also available grower associations/ farmer groups/ Self Help Groups/Women farmer groups having at least 10 members,who are engaged in cultivation of horticultural crops, provided the balance 60% of the cost of machines and tools is borne by such groups. SHM to enter in to MoU with such association /groups to ensure proper upkeep, running and maintenance of the machines and tools.
b)Provisions (where women get benefits either over & above/along with men
1.Procurement of Agricultural Machinery & Equipments (Subsidy Pattern)


Tractor (upto 20 PTO HP)(Cost Norms -Rs.3.00 lakh/unit)


  • 35% of cost, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.00 lakh per unit for women as compared to 25% of cost,subject to a maximum of Rs.0.75 lakh/unit for men
ii)Power Tiller

Power tiller (below 8 BHP) (Cost Norms-Rs.1.00 lakh per unit)


  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.50 lakh/unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.40 lakh/unit for men

Power tiller (8 BHP & above)(Cost Norms-Rs.1.50 lakh per unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.75 lakh/unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.60 lakh/unit for men
iii)Tractor/Power tiller (below 20 BHP) driven equipment

Land Development,tillage & seed bed preparation equipment (Cost Norms-Rs.0.30 lakh per unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs.0.15 lakh/unit for women as Compared to a maximum of Rs.0.12 lakh/unit for men

Sowing, planting reaping and digging equipment (Cost Norms- Rs.0.30 lakh per unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.15 lakh/unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.12 lakh/unit for men

Plastic mulch laying machine (Cost Norms -Rs.0.70 lakh per unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.35 lakh/unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.28 lakh/unit for men

Self -propelled Horticulture Machinery (Cost Norms-Rs.2.50 lakh per unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.25 lakh/unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs. 1.00 lakh/unit for men

Plant Protection equipment Manual sprayer:Knapsack/foot operated sprayer.Cost Norms -Rs.0.012 lakh/unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.006 lakh/unit for Women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.005 lakh/unit for men

Plant Protection equipment Manual sprayer:Knapsack/foot operated sprayer.Cost Norms -Rs.0.012 lakh/unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.006 lakh/unit for Women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.005 lakh/unit for men

Powered Knapsack sprayer/ Power Operated Taiwan sprayer (capacity 8 – 12 lts)(Cost Norms-Rs.0.062 lakh/unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.031 lakh/unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.025 lakh/unit for men

Powered Knapsack sprayer/ Power Operated Taiwan sprayer (capacity above 12 - 16 lts)(Cost Norms-Rs.0.076 lakh/unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.038 lakh /unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.03 lakh/unit for men

Powered Knapsack sprayer/ Power Operated Taiwan sprayer (capacity above 16/lt (Cost Norms-Rs.0.20 lakh/unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.10 lakh/unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.08 lakh/unit for men

Tractor mounted /Operated Sprayer (below 20 BHP ) (Cost Norms -Rs.0.20 lakh/unit)

  • Subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.10 lakh/unit for women as compared toa maximum of Rs.0.08 lakh/unit for men

Tractor mounted /Operated Sprayer (above 35 BHP) /Electrostatic Sprayer (Cost Norms-Rs.1.26 lakh/unit)

  • 50% of cost, subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.63 lakh per unit for women as compared to 40% of cost,subject to a maximum of Rs.0.50 lakh/unit for men

Eco Friendly Light Trap (Cost Norms-Rs.0.086 lakh/unit)

  • Subject of a maximum of Rs. 0.014 lakh/unit for women as compared to a maximum of Rs.0.12 lakh/unit for men
2.Area expansion under Bamboo Mission (MIDH)

Forest areas / Public land (Through JFMC / Panchayati Raj Institutions / SHGs,Women group etc.

  • 100% of cost in 3 installments (50:25:25) (Max. Subsidy per unit area Rs. 42,000/ha) both for women & men
3.Coconut Development Board (CDB) under MIDH

Adoption of technologies (Back-ended credit capital subsidy).

  • 33.3% of the project cost for women as compared to 25% of the cost for men

National Mission on Oilseeds & Oil Palm (NMOOP)

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
a)Provisions (only for Women)

Promoting Women Groups.

  • SHGs/ FIGs/FPOs/Women groups/Co-operatives etc.to be involved by the States in distribution of Certified Seeds.
  • State Governments to setup/start joint venture/lease out seed gardens to farmers’ Self Help Groups/FIGs/Women Group / Cooperative Societies/FPOs.
  • States to support Farmer’s association/Self Help Groups /Farmer Groups/Women Groups /Cooperative Societies for this component under AAP.
  • Farmers associations / FPOs/ FIGs / SHGs / Women Groups, cooperatives /federations would be eligible for assistance for installation of Pre-processing, Processing and oil extraction equipment/devices under Mini Mission -III for the prescribed TBOs.
  • Provision available under the Mission for involvement of Co-operative Societies, Self Help/Women Groups/FIGs/FPOs etc., in implementation of the Mission
b)Provisions (where women get benefits either over & above/ along with men)

For manual sprayers: Knapsack/foot operated sprayers, eco friendly light trap (NCIPM)

  • Rs.800/-per unit for women as compared to Rs.600/-per unit for men

For Knapsack and Taiwan power sprayers (capacity below 16 litres) @ 50% of the cost of procurement

  • Rs.3800/-per unit for women (additional 10% assistance) as compared to Rs. 3000/-per unit for men

For Knapsack and Taiwan power sprayers (capacity above 16 litres) @ 40% of the cost of procurement

  • Rs. 10000/-per unit. For women (additional 10% assistance) as compared to Rs. 8000/-per unit for men

Manually/Bullock drawn implements including Chiseller (@ 40% of the cost)

  • Rs. 10000/- per unit for women (additional 10% assistance) as compared to Rs. 8000/-per implement for men

Tractor driven,farm implements like Rotavator/Seed Drill/Zero Till Seed Drill/ Multi-Crop Planter/Zero Till Multi -Crop Planter/ Ridge furrow Planter/ Raised bed planter/ Power weeder/ Groundnut digger and Multi crop threshers

  • Rs. 63000/-per unit for women (additional 10% assistance) as compared to Rs. 50000/-per unit for men

Small tractor with trolley (25% of the cost of procurement)

  • Rs. 1.00 lakh/ unit for women (Additional 10% assistance) as compared to Rs. 0.75 lakh/unit for men

Distribution of pre-processing,processing and oil extraction equipment to Farmers associations / FPOs/FIGs / SHGs /Women Groups,cooperatives /federations.

  • Back ended credit linked subsidy (30% subsidy, 50% loan, 20% own share) with assistance restricted to 30% of project cost with a ceiling of Rs. 6.50 lakhs for setting up one unit/project per organization/individual.

Establishment of Seed Gardens Support through the States' Department of Agriculture /Horticulture (75:25) for setup/ start joint venture/lease out seed gardens to farmers’ SHGs / FIGs/Women Group/Cooperative Societies/ FPOs.

  • One time assistance for a max. Rs.10.00 lakh as subsidy for setting up a new seed garden in 15 ha area by oil palm farmer’s association/co-operative etc. through State Government.
  • The seed garden may be developed over an area of 15 ha each as a Revolving Fund Scheme with the assistance of Rs 30.00 lakh, with a breakup of Rs. 10 lakh (first year) & Rs. 2 lakh each for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th year. In 7th year, a block grant of Rs.10 lakh is provided. From 8th year onwards the scheme is likely to become self-supportive.

Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM)

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions

Storage Infrastructure Projects under Agriculture Marketing infrastructure (AMI) for Registered FPOs, Panchayats,Women, Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) beneficiaries or their cooperatives/Self-help groups..

  • 33.33% Subsidy (on capital cost) for women as compared to 25% for men.
  • Subsidy ceiling (Up to 1000 MT is Rs. 1166.55),More than 1000MT and up to 30000 MT is Rs. 1000.00, Maximum ceiling of Rs 300.00 Lakhs) for women and Subsidy ceiling (Up to 1000 MT in Rs/MT-875.00, More than 1000MT and upto 30000 MT in Rs /MT -750.00), Maximum ceiling (Rs 225.00 Lakhs) for men

For Infrastructure Projects Other than Storage Infrastructure for Registered FPOs,Women, Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST) beneficiaries or their cooperatives .

  • 33.33% Rate of Subsidy (on capital cost) for women as compared to 25% for men
  • Maximum Subsidy Ceiling is Rs. 500.00 lakhs for women as compared to Rs.400.00 lakhs for men

National Food Security Mission (NFSM)

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
a)Provisions (only for Women)

As Beneficiary

  • At least 30% allocation of the funds is for women farmers.
b)Provisions (where women get benefits either over & above/ along with men)

Promotion of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and marketing support for value chain integration (to un-registered farmer groups, SHGs of Women & others etc. for local marketing of pulses and millets)

  • Rs.2.00 lakh per group of 15 farmers, for one time support only)

National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
a)Provisions (only for Women)

Soil & water conservation; Water use efficiency; Soil health management and Rain-fed Area Development

  • At least 50% of the allocation is to be utilized for small, marginal farmers of which at least 30% are women beneficiaries/farmers.

Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM)

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
a)Provisions (only for Women)

Training Programme

  • Training Programmes on Gender friendly Equipment for Women farmers are to be conducted by Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institutes..

As Beneficiary

  • At least 30% allocation of the fund is to be made for women farmers.
b)Provisions (where women get benefits either over & above/ along with men)

Tractor (08-20 PTO HP)

  • Rs. 1.00 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.75 lakh for men

Tractor (Above 20-70 PTO HP)

  • Rs. 1.25 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 1.00 lakh for men.
iv)Power Tillers

Power Tiller (below 8 BHP)

  • Rs. 0.50 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.40 lakh for men

Power Tiller (8 BHP & above)

  • Rs. 0.75 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.60 lakh for men
v)Rice Trans-planter

Self-Propelled Rice Trans-planter (4 rows)

  • Rs.0.94 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.75 lakh for men

Self-Propelled Rice Trans-planter
(i)above 4-8 rows
(ii)above 8-16 rows

  • Rs. 2.0 lakh for women and men both

Self- Propelled Machinery Reaper cum Binder

  • Rs. 1.25 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 1.00 lakh for men
vi)Specialized Self Propelled Machinery

Reaper/Post Hole Digger/Augur/Pneumatic / other Planter

  • Rs. 0.63 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.50 lakh for men.
vii)Self-Propelled Horticultural Machinery

Fruit Puckers/ Tree pruners/ Fruit Harvesters/ Fruit Graders /Track Trolley/ Nursery Media Filling Machine/Multipurpose Hydraulic System /Power operated horticulture tools for pruning, budding,grating, shearing etc

  • Rs. 1.25 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 1.00 lakh for men.
viii)Land Development, tillage and seed bed preparation equipments

MB Plow/ Disc Plow/Cultivator/Harrow/leveler Blade /Cage wheel/Furrow opener/Ridger/Weed slasher/Laser Land Leveler/ Reversible Mechanical plough

  • Rs. 0.15 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.12 lakh for men (Below 20 BHP driven).
  • Rs. 0.19 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.15 lakh for men (Above 20-35 BHP driven).

Rotavator/Rotopuddler Reversible Hydraulic plough

  • Rs. 0.35 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.28 lakh for men (Below 20 BHP driven).
  • Rs. 0.44 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.35 lakh for men ( Above 20-35 BHP driven)

Chisel Plough

  • Rs. 0.08 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.06 lakh for men (Below 20 BHP driven).
  • Rs. 0.10 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.08 lakh for men ( Above 20-35 BHP driven)
ix)Sowing, Planting, Reaping and Digging Equipment

Post Hole digger/Potato Planter/Potato Digger /Ground nut digger/Strip till drill/Tractor drawn reaper/Onion harvester /Rice straw Chopper/Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill/ Raised Bed Planter/Sugar cane cutter/Stripper/Planter/Se ed drill/Multi crop planter / Zero-till multi crop planter/Ridge furrow plante

  • Rs. 0.15 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.12 lakh for men (Below 20 BHP driven).
  • Rs. 0.19 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.15 lakh for men (Above 20 - 35 BHP driven) .

Turbo Seeder/Pneumatic Planter/Pneumatic vegetable transplanter /Pneumatic vegetable seeder/Happy seeder/Plastic Mulch Laying Machine

  • Rs. 0.35 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.28 lakh for men (Below 20 BHP driven).
  • Rs. 0.44 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.35 lakh for men ( Above 20-35 BHP driven)

Chisel Plough

  • Rs. 0.08 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.06 lakh for men (Below 20 BHP driven).
  • Rs. 0.10 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.08 lakh for men ( Above 20 BHP driven)
x)Inter Cultivation Equipment

Grass Weed Slasher/ Rice Straw Chopper/Power Weeder (engine operated below 2bhP)

  • Rs. 0.15 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.12 lakh for men (Below 20 BHP driven).
  • Rs. 0.19 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.15 lakh for men (Above 20-35 BHP driven).
xi)Equipment for Residue management / Hay and Forage Equipments

Sugarcane thrash Cutter /Coconut Frond Chopper/Rake/Balers/ Straw reaper

  • Rs. 0.15 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.12 lakh for men (Below 20 BHP driven).
  • Rs. 0.19 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.15 lakh for men (Above 20 BHP driven).
xii)Harvesting & Threshing Equipments

Ground Nut Pod Stripper/Thresher/Multicrop Threshers/Paddy Thresher/Brush Cutter

  • Rs. 0.2 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.16 lakh for men (Operated by engine/electric motor below 3 HP and by power tiller and tractor below 20 BHP)
  • Rs. 0.25 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.2 lakh for men (Operated by engine/ electric motor 3-5 HP and by power tiller and tractor below 35 BHP)

Chaff Cutter (Operated by engine/electric motor below 3bhp and by power tiller and tractor of below 20 BHP tractor)

  • Rs. 0.2 lakh for women as compared to Rs.0.16 lakh for men (Operated by engine /electric motor below 3 HP and by power tiller and tractor below 20 BHP).
  • Rs. 0.25 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.2 lakh for men (Operated by engine / electric motor 3-5 HP and by power tiller and tractor below 35 BHP).
Tractor (above 35 BHP) Driven Equipment
xiii)Land Development, tillage and seed bed preparation equipment

MB Plow/Disc Plow/Cultivator/ Harrow/ Leveler Blade/Cage Wheel/Furrow opener/Ridger/Reversible Mechanical plough

  • Rs. 0.44 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.35 lakh for men.

Weed slasher /Laser and Leveller/Rotavator/Roto-puddler/Reversible Hydraulic plough/Sub-soiler/ Trench makers(PTO operated)/Bund former (PTO operated) /Power Harrow  (PTO operated)/Backhoe Loader Dozer (Tractor operated)

  • Rs. 0.63 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.50 lakh for men.
xiv)Sowing , Planting , Reaping and Digging Equipment

Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill/Raised Bed Planter/ seed drill/ Potato Digger/tractor drawn reaper/onion harvester

  • Rs. 0.44 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.35 lakh for men

Post Hole digger/Potato Planter/Ground nut digger/Strip till drill/ Rice straw Chopper,Sugar cane cutter/Stripper/planter/multi crop planter /zero –till multi crop planter/Ridge furrow planter /Turbo Seeder/ Pneumatic Planter/Pneumatic vegetable trans-planter / Pneumatic vegetable seeder/Happy seeder/Cassava Planter/Manure spreader /Fertilizer Spreader

  • Rs. 0.63 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.50 lakh for men
xv)Inter Cultivation Equipment

Grass/ Weed Slasher / Rice straw Chopper/ Weeder (PTO operated)

  • Rs. 0.63 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.50 lakh for men
xvi)Harvesting & Threshing Equip. (Operated by engine/electric motor above 5 hp and tractor of above 35 BHP tractor)

Ground- Nut Pod Stripper/Thresher/ Multi crop Threshers / Paddy Thresher/ Chaff Cutter/ Forage/Harvester/Birds Scar

  • Rs. 0.63 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.50 lakh for men.
xvii)Equipment for Residue mgmt./Hay and Forage Equipment

Sugarcane thrash Cutter/ Coconut Frond Chopper/ Hay Rake/ Balers (Round)/ Baler (Rectangular) Wood chippers/Sugarcane ratoon manager / Cotton stalk uprooter/ Straw reaper

  • Rs. 0.63 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.50 lakh for men.
All manual/animal drawn equipment /implements / Tools
xviii)Land Develop., tillage and seed bed preparation equipment

MB Plow/ Disc Plow/Cultivator /Harrow/Leveler Blade/ Furrow opener/Ridger/ Puddler

  • Rs. 0.10 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.08 lakh for men.
xix)Sowing & Planting Equipment

Paddy planter/ Seed cum fertilizer drill/Raised Bed Plant er/Planter/ Dibbler/Equipment for raising paddy nursery

  • Rs. 0.10 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.08 lakh for men.

Drum Seeder (Below 4 Row)

  • Rs. 0.015 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.012 lakh for men.

Drum Seeder (Above 4 Row)

  • Rs. 0.019 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.015 lakh for men.
Harvesting & Threshing Equipment

Ground Nut Pod Stripper/Thresher/Winnowing fan/Tree climber Horticulture Hand tools

  • Rs. 0.10 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.08 lakh for men

Chaff Cutter (upto 3 feet)

  • Rs. 0.05 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.04 lakh for men.

Chaff Cutter (above 3 feet)

  • Rs. 0.063 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.05 lakh for men.
xx)Inter Cultivation Equipment

Grass Weed Slasher / Weeder/ Cono-weeder / Garden Hand Tools

  • Rs. 0.006 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.005 lakh for men
xxi)Plant Protection Equipment

Manual sprayer:Knapsack /foot operated sprayer

  • Rs. 0.006 Lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.005  lakh for men.

Powered Knapsack sprayer/Power Operated Taiwan sprayer (capacity 8-12Its)

  • Rs. 0.031 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.025 lakh

Powered Knapsack sprayer/Power Operated Taiwan sprayer (capacity above 12-16Its)

  • Rs. 0.038 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.03 lakh

Powered Knapsack sprayer/Power Operated Taiwan sprayer (capacity above 16lts)

  • Rs. 0.10 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.08 lakh

Tractor mounted /Operated Sprayer (below 20 BHP)

  • Rs. 0.10 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.08 lakh

Tractor mounted /Operated Sprayer (below 35 BHP)

  • Rs. 0.13 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.10 lakh

Eco Friendly Light Trap

  • Rs. 0.014 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.012 lakh

Tractor mounted /operated sprayer (above 35 BHP)

  • Rs. 0.63 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.50 lakh

Electrostatic Sprayer

  • Rs. 0.63 lakh for women as compared to Rs. 0.50 lakh
xxii)Post Harvest Technology

Establishment of PHT units for transfer of primary processing technology, value -addition, low cost scientific storage,packaging units and technologies

  • Rs. 1.50 lakh/ unit for women as compared to Rs. 1.25 lakh/ unit for men.

Agricultural Insurance

S.NoScheme / Mission & ComponentProvisions
a)Provisions (only for Women)


  • Ensuring maximum coverage of SC / ST / Women farmers with budget allocation and utilization for these category of farmers to be in proportion to their population in the respective state
b)Provisions (where women get benefits either over & above/along with men)
1)Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS)

Insurance protection for notified food crops,oilseeds and annual horticultural /commercial crops .

  • Actuarial Premium rate notified crops subject maximum premium 11% & 9% for food & oilseeds crops of Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively.For annual commercial /horticultural crops,apped at 13%.
  • Subsidy up to 75% of premium is provided to all types of farmers depending on the slab of premium.
    • Upto 2% - Nil,
    • More than 2–5% : 40% subject to minimum net premium of 2%
    • More than 5–10% : 50% subject to minimum net premium of 3%
    • More than 10–15% :60% subject to minimum net premium of 5%
    • More than 15% : 75% subject to minimum net premium of 6%
  • If the sowing is not done due to adverse weather / climate, claims / indemnity up to 25% of sum insured will be paid for prevented sowing/planting risk.
  • When the crop yield is less than the guaranteed yield of notified crops,the indemnity payment equal to short fall in yield is payable to all insured farmers in the notified areas.
  • When the crop yield is less than the guaranteed yield of notified crops, the indemnity payment equal to short fall in yield is payable to all insured farmers in the notified areas.
  • However,on-account advance payment, up to 25% of likely claims will be paid as immediate relief in those notified areas where yield losses are at least 50% of Threshold Yield (TY).
  • Besides,postharvest (upto2weeks) losses due to cyclone are also covered.
  • Losses due to localized risks of hail storm and landslide are assessed on individual basis and claims to affected insured farmers are paid accordingly.

Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme(WBCIS) .

  • Insurance protection notified food crops, oilseeds and horticultural commercial crops.
  • Actuarial Premium rate for notified crops, subject to maximum premium up to 10 % & 8 % for food & oilseeds crops of Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively and 12 % for annual commercial / horticultural crops. It is capped at 12%.
    • Upto 2% - Nil,subsidy
    • More than 2–5% : -25% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 2%
    • More than 5–10% : -40% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 3%
    • More than 10–15% :-50% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 5%
    • When the Weather indices (rainfall/temperature/relati ve humidity/wind speed etc) differ (less/ higher) from the Guaranteed Weather Index of notified crops,the indemnity payment equal to deviation / shortfall is payable to all insured farmers of notified crops in notified area.

Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS).

  • Premium rate per palm ranges from Rs.9.00 (in the age group of 4 to 15 years) to Rs. 14.00 (in the age group of 16 to 60 years).
  • 50-75 % subsidy of premium is provided to all types of farmers.
  • When the Palm trees are damaged, the indemnity payment equal to sum insured / damage is payable to the insured farmers in notified areas.

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