Was Sita daughter of ravana

 Was Sita daughter of ravana

One version of ramayan that ravan and mandorai's first born was a girl tht was sita, but due to the astrological prediction tht the first born wud be the reason for his destruction he threw away the kid in a basket.Unluckily for him the baby was celestial n didnt die instead was safe in the earth. and was found later by king janak who brought her up as his daughter even ravan didnt know about it when he had kidnapped sita that she was his child , so he lusted after her but that added only more crime to his already big crimes as father lusting after daughter is disgusting.Infact lord ram gave him a chance to back off in the battle field inspite of everything perhaps since he knew about sita's origin( ravan was her dad), but ravan was too blind in his ego to see the truth and thus die the grate intelligent learned lanka king.

Now whats weird is ravan had not actually taken the real sita but vedavati who looked like sita, ravan's lust for sita was actually not for sita but vedavati who looked like sita.So he did commit a crime for lusting after his daughter's looks.But he had not actually kidnapped her infect he kidnapped her look alike.

Sita was ravan's daughter.Ram before hand knew that sita would be in trouble so they switched sita with vedavati.So when ravan came to kidnap sita he landed up kidnapping vedavati. watever be the case sita became the reason for his death.His first child became the reason for his death.Astrology prediction does come true.

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