Naga Panchami Puja/vrat Vidhi Kalsarpa Yoga Nagaradhana

Naga Panchami Puja Vidhi/vratam 

What is Nagapanchami(Significance of Nagapanchami):

Nagapanchami is Hindus festival on that day they worships Snakes.According to Garuda Purana offering prayers to snake on this day is auspicious and will usher good tidings in one’s life.In this day Nagas are worshiped with milk, sweets, flowers, lamps and even sacrifices. Images of Nag deities made of silver, stone, wood, or paintings on the wall are first bathed with water and milk and then worshiped with the reciting of the some mantras.

Shukla Paksha Panchami during Sawan month is observed as Nag Panchami. Usually Nag Panchami day falls two days after Hariyali Teej.Currently Nag Panchami falls in month of July and August in English calendar. Women worship Nag Devta and offer milk to snakes on this day. Women also pray for the wellness of their brothers and family.

The main reason of celebrating this day must be that snakes are a great threat to mankind during these months.They usually come out of their holes as rainwater seeps in and while looking for shelter they might harm humans. However, this is why they are worshiped this day and fed with milk. 

According to Sarpa Satra:
Mahabharata epic, Janamejeya, the son of King Parikshit of Kuru dynasty was performing a snake sacrifice known as Sarpa Satra, to avenge for the death of his father from a snake bite by the snake king called Taksaka. A sacrificial fireplace had been specially erected and the fire sacrifice to kill all snakes in the world was started by a galaxy of learned Brahmin sages. The sacrifice performed in the presence of Janamejaya was so powerful that it was causing all snakes to fall into the Yagna kunda (sacrificial fire pit). When the priests found that only Takshaka who had bitten and killed Parisksihit had escaped to the nether world of Indra seeking his protection, the sages increased the tempo of reciting the mantras (spells) to drag Takshaka and also Indra to the sacrificial fire. Takshaka had coiled himself around Indra’s cot but the force of the sacrificial yagna was so powerful that even Indra along with Takshaka were dragged towards the fire. This scared the gods who then appealed to Manasadevi to intervene and resolve the crisis. She then requested her son Astika to go to the site of the yagna and appeal to Janamejaya to stop the Sarpa Satra yagna. Astika impressed Janamejaya with his knowledge of all theSastras (scriptures) who granted him to seek a boon. It was then that Astika requested Janamejeya to stop the Sarpa Satra. Since the king was never known to refuse a boon given to a Brahmin, he relented, in spite of protects by the rishis performing the yagna. The yagna was then stopped and thus the life of Indra and Takshaka and his other serpent race were spared. This day, according to the Hindu Calendar, happened to be Nadivardhini Panchami (fifth day of bright fortnight of the lunar month of Shravan during the monsoon season) and since then the day is a festival day of the Nagas as their life was spared on this day. Indra also went to Manasadevi and worshiped her.

How to perform Nag panchami puja:
On the day of Naag Panchami, houses are cleaned and holy offerings are prepared for Naga (snake). preparations are made a day prior to the day of Nag Panchami. Food preparations for Naag Panchami include Sevai (vermicelli), rice items, Laddoo (sweet dish made of dried condiments), etc.

A special Puja is performed for Snake God, in which the snake is bathed with Panchamrit (a mixture of milk, yogurt, sugar, honey, and butter). Besides this proceeding, Aarti is performed to invoke the blessings of snake deity.

It is believed that any Puja offered to snakes would reach to the serpent Gods. Hence people worship live snakes on the day as representative of serpents Gods who are revered and worshiped in Hinduism.
twelve are worshiped during Nag Panchami Puja - Naga kanyas
  • Ananta
  • Vasuki
  • Shesha
  • Padma
  • Kambala
  • Karkotaka
  • Ashvatara
  • Dhritarashtra
  • Shankhapala
  • Kaliya
  • Takshaka
  • Pingala
Nag Panchami Mantra :
Sarva Nagaah preeyantam mey yey kechit Prithivithaley,
yey cha helimarichistha yentarey Divi samstithah
Yey Nadeeshu Mahanaga ye Sarasvati gaaminah,
yey cha Vaapee tadagashu teshu sarveshu vai namah
May all Nagas whether on Earth, Sky, Swarga, in the Sun rays, Sarovaras or lakes, wells or other water bodies, be appeased as we greet these deities again and again.
Om Kurukulle Hun Phat Svaha

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