garbha rakshambika stotram lyrics and audio

Garbha rakshambika stotram lyrics

Garbha rakshambika stotram in sanskrit
 श्री गर्भ रक्षाअम्बिका स्तोत्रं
श्री माधवी काननस्ये गर्भ
रक्षांबिके पाही भक्ताम् स्थुवन्तम् । ( हर श्लोक के बाद्)
वापी तटे वाम भागे, वाम देवस्य देवी स्थिता त्वां,
मानया वारेन्या वादानया, पाही,
गर्भस्या जन्थुन तथा भक्ता लोकान . १
श्री गर्भ रक्षा पुरे या दिव्या,
सौंन्दर्या युक्ता ,सुमंगलया गात्री,
धात्री, जनीत्री जनानाम, दिव्या,
रुपाम ध्यार र्दाम मनोगनाम भजे तं . २
आषाढ मासे सुपुन्ये , शुक्र,
वारे सुगंन्धेना गंन्धेना लिप्ता,
दिव्याम्बरा कल्प वेशा वाजा,
पेयाधी याग्यस्या भक्तस्या सुद्रष्टा. ३
कल्याण धात्रीं नमस्ये, वेदी,
कन्ग च स्त्रीया गर्भ रक्षा करीं त्वां,
बालै सदा सेवीथाअन्ग्रि, गर्भ
रक्षार्थ, माराधुपे थैयुपेथाम. ४
ब्रम्हऒत्सव विप्र विद्ययाम वाद्य
घोषेण तुष्टाम रथेना सन्निविष्टाम
सर्व अर्थ धात्रीं भजेअहम, देव
व्रुन्दैरा पीडायाम जगन मातरम त्वां .५
येतथ कृतम स्तोत्र रत्नम, दीक्षीथ
अनन्त रामेन देव्या तुष्टाच्यै.
नित्यम पाठयस्तु भक्तया ,पुत्रा पौत्रादि भाग्यं
भवे तस्या नित्यं ॥ . ६
ईति श्री ब्रह्म श्री अनत रामा दीक्षीता विरचितम गर्भ रक्षाअम्बिका स्तोत्रं समपूर्णं॥

garbha rakshambika stotram lyrics in english

Ehyehi Bhagawan Brahman,
Praja kartha, praja pathe,
Pragruhsheeniva balim cha imam,
Aaapathyaam raksha garbhineem.

Aswini deva devesou,
Pragrhneethaam balim dwimam,
Saapathyaam Garbhineem cha imam,
Cha Rakshatham pooja yanaya.

Rudraascha ekaadasa prokthaa,
Pragruhananthu balim dwimam,
Yushmaakam preethaye vrutham,
Nithyam rakshathu Garbineem.

Aadhithya dwadasa prokthaa,
Pragrahneethwam balim dwimam,
Yushmagam thejasaam vrudhya,
Nithyam rakshatha garbhineem.

Vinayaka Ganadhyaksha,
Shiva Puthra Maha Bala,
Pragrahneeshwa balim cha imam,
Sapathyam raksha garbhineem.

Skanda Shanmukha Devesa,
Puthra preethi vivardhana,
Pragrahneeshwa Balim cha imam,
Sapathyaam raksha Garbhineem.

Prabhaasa, Prabhavassyama,
Prathyoosho maruth nala,
Druvoo dhura dhuraschaiva ,
Vasavoshtou prakeerthitha,
Pragrahnee thwam Balim cha imam,
Nithyam raksha garbhineem.

Pithur devi, Pithusreshte,
Bahu puthri, maha bale,
Bhootha sreshte Nisa vase,
Nirvruthe, sounaka priye,
Pragrahneeshwa balim cha imam,
Sapathyam raksha garbhineem.

Raksha Raksha Mahadeva,
Baktha anugraha Karaka,
Pakshi vahana Govinda,
Sapathyam raksha Garbhineem.

Daily sit in front of a photo of the Goddess with any small recite as follows:
  • During the second month read the first two slokas 108 times daily,
  • During the third month read the first three slokas 108 times daily,
  • During the fourth month read the first four slokas 108 times daily,
  • During the fifth month read the first five slokas 108 times daily,
  • During the sixth month read the first six slokas 108 times daily,
  • During the seventh month read the first seven slokas 108 times daily,
  • During the eighth month read the first eight slokas 108 times daily,
  • During the ninth month read all the nine slokas 108 times daily,
The Stotram in Telugu

The Story of Goddess Shri Garbhrakshambika Sage Nithuvar and his wife Vedhika were living in this forest which was full of Jasmine flowers when the following incident happened which lead Parvathi devi to take the avatar of Garbarakshambika to give special protection to women during pregnancy.
In the ancient time, two Rishies ( saints ) Gowthama and Gargeya did penance in this garden of Jasmine flowers where the ashram was situated.
The story is that, Sage Nithuvar was living here with his wife Vedhika. One day when Sage Nithuvar was away, sage Urdhvapada a very angry sage visited their hermitage for alms. Vedhika was tired and sleeping deeply without showing hospitality to the sage..infact she was having pains due to pregnancy but Urdhvapada unaware of her difficulties got angry that she din’t bother to wake up and felt she could be sleeping purposely , decided to curse her .The curse made her get diseased and it also hurted the child in her womb.Vedhika was in worst pain of her life and deeply hurted that her own child is being gradually destroyed and prayed for to Goddess Parvathi to help her ….Goddess parvathi took the avatar of Garbarakshambika and appeared before Vedhika and protected her child in the womb by holding it in a “kalasam ” – divine pot..The goddess has helped the child grow in the divine pot untill it grew as full fledged child. .. here goddess herself has saved a womens pregnancy and blessed her.
When Vedhika cried as she was not able to feed the baby with her milk, A sacred cow came infront of the temple and made a lake of sacred milk. .
Vedhikai prayed to Goddess Garbarakshambika to remain in the temple forever and bless all women with good soul mate, child birth hand safe pregnancy.
Meaning of the name Garbarakshambika :
The name of the goddess carried the beautiful meaning in itself…Garba means Pregnancy, Raksha means “To protect ” and Ambika is one of the names of Parvathi devi .so she is all about protecting a womens life blessing her with a kind hearted husband,a good child and a happy family.
श्री गर्भ रक्षाअम्बिका मंत्र
ॐ गर्भरक्षाम्बिकायै च विद्महे मंगल देवदायै च धीमहि
तन्नो देवी प्रचोदयत ।

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