Sarva Vyadhi haram Maheswara Kavacham

Sarva Vyadhi haram Maheswara Kavacham
(The armour of Maheswara which cures all diseases)

(Maheswara is the Vedic Form of the Shiva who is the supreme lord.)

Rajo Uvacha:-
The king said:-

1,Anganyaso yaduktho bho Mahesakhara samyutha,
Vidhanam kee drusam thasya karthavya kena hethuna
Thad Vadasya Maha Bhaga , vistharena Mamagratha.

Oh great one please tell me in detail the rituals with body parts .
Along with The “Maheswara letters” , the method of chanting it ,
And the type of action that I should do for that.

Brugu(Shukra) said:-

2.Kavacham Maheswaram Rajan devairapi durlabham,
Ya karothi swa gathreshu poothathma sa bhaven nara.

Oh king , this armour of Maheswara is rare even to the devas,
And by doing it to their body , the man will get purified.

3.Kruthwa nyasamimam yasthu samgramam pravise nara,
Na sarathomarasthasya gadga sakthi paraswadhaa.

If the rituals are done and the man enters the battle ,
It would act like lance to arrow and hatchet to the swords.

4.Prabhavanthi ripo kwapi bhave chiva parakrama,
Vyadhi grasthasthu ya kaschidh karayechaiva marjanam.

Even before the enemies , he would be greatly valorous ,
And if he is affected by a disease , this would cause him to be made pure.

5.Ekadasakusai saagrair muktho bhavathi naanyadhaa ,
Na Bhootha na pisachascha kooshmanda na vinayaka.

With eleven Kusa grasses, he would get freedom without any other help,
From Ghosts , devils , demons and obstructions .

6.Shiva smarana mathrena na visanthi Kalebharam,
Om nama Pancha vakthraya sasi somarka nethraya,
Bhyarthanamabhayaya mama sarva gathra rakshrthe viniyoga.

Just by the thought of Lord Shiva , his body would not be afraid,
Om salutations to the five necked one who has the moon, sun and fire as eyes,
And I am chanting this for getting freedom from fear and for protection of my body.

7.Om Houm ham ham manthranena vrusha gomaya bhasmanam,
Aamanthraya lalate thilakamadhaya padeth.

Use the chant “Om Houm , ham Haam” , wear the ash made of cow dung,
On the chest and on the forehead as thilaka and then read.

1.Thrahi maam dushpreksha sathroonaam bhaya vardhana,
Om Swachanda bhairva prachyam aagneyyam Shikhi lochana.

Save me, Oh God who is difficult to look at , who increases the fear among enemies ,
Om , let the free Bhairava protect from east and let the one with eyes like peacock protect the south east.

2.Bhootheso Daksine Bhage , nairyathyam Bheemadarsana,
Varunyaam vrushakethuscha , vayou Rakshathu Sankara.

Let the Lord of Bhoothas protect my south , let the God who looks very big , protect my south east,
Let the south west be protected by one riding on a bull , Let North west be protected by Sankara.

3.Digvaso soumyatho nithyam Isanyam Madanathaka,
Vamadevardhwatho rakshe dadho raksheth trilochana.

Let he who lives in directions protect the north and killer of Manmatha protect the north east,
Let Vamadeva protect the places above and let the three eyed one protect that which is below.

4.Purari puratha pathu, kapardhi pathu prushtadha,
Visweso Dakshine bhage , vaame kali pathi sadhaa.

Let the enemy of three cities protect the front , and let my back be protected by one who has knotted hair,
Let the Lord of the universe protect the right side and let the left be protected by consort of Kali.

5.Maheswara siro bhage , Bhavo phale sadahavathu,
Broovor madhye Maha thejo, sthrinethro nethrayordwaya.

Let Maheswara protect always the area of my head and let he who removes sins protect my forehead,
Let the greatly sparkling one protect the place in the middle of eyebrows,
And let the three eyed one protect both my eyes.

6.Pinake nasika dese , karnayor girija pathi,
Ugra kapalayo raksheth mukhadese maha bhuja.

Let he who holds Pinaka bow protect my nasal area,
Let the consort of Girja protect my ears,
Let the area around my mouth be protected by the very angry carrier of skull.

7.Jihwayam andhaka dwamsio , danthaan rakshathu mruthyujith,
Neelakanda sada kande , prushte kamanga nasana.

Let my toungue be protected by the killer of Andhakasura,
Let the winner over death protect my teeth,
Let the blue necked one protect my neck,
And the killer of the body of God of love protect my back.

8.Tripurari Skanda dese , bahoscha Chandra shekara,
Hasthi charmadharo , hasthe nakhanguleeshu Soolabruth.

Let the enemy of three cities protect my shoulder , Let the Chandrashekara protect my arms,
Let he who wears the hide , protect my arm and let my fingers be protected by one who carries the trident.

9.Bhavaneesa pathu hrudhi, pathu dhara katee mruda,
Gudhe linge cha medre cha nabhou cha pramadadhipa.

Let the Lord of Parvathi protect my heart ,
Let the the one who causes death protect my waist,
Let the Lord of Pramadhas protect my private parts and navel.

10. Jangoru charane Bheema, sarvange Kesava Priya,
Roma koope Viroopaksha, Sabdha sparse cha yoga vith

Let my thigh , knee and feet be protected by the God who is gross ,
Let all my body parts be protected by one who is liked by Kesava,
Let my hair pores be protected by one with a bad looking eye,
Let my voice and touch be protected by the expert in Yoga.

11.Raktha majjavasaamamsa shukre vasu ganarachitha,
Pranapana samana eshu dhana vyaneshu dhoorjadi.

Let my blood , fat , flesh and seed be protected by he who is worshipped by Vasus and Ganas,
Let he who has an unkempt hair look after the airs in my body,
Namely prana, apana, samana , udhana and vyana.

12.Raksha heenam thu yath sthanam varjitham kavachena yath,
Thatnsarvam raksha may deva , vyadhi durga jwaradhitha.

Oh God protect all those places which do not have protection,
Or has been left out by the armour without protection like diseases, fever etc

13.Karyam karmam thwidham prajnair dheepam prajwalya sarpishaa,
Nivedhya shikhi nethraya varayethu hyudang mukham.

For achieving actions the knowledgeable ones , will light a lamp with Ghee ,
And offer to Lord Shiva the selected offerings to him.

14,Jwara daha parikrantham thadha anya vyadhi samyutham,
Kusai samarjya samarjyakshipe dheepa shikhaam jwaram.

For stamping away fever and thirst and also other diseases which affect you,
Collect kusa grass and light them as a lamp so that fever would be thrown away.

15.Iykahikam vaa dhyajhikam,
Vaa tritheeya chathurthakam,
Vatha pitha kaphod bhootham,
Sannipatho ugra thejasam.

16.Anyam dukha dhoora darsha karmajam cha abhicharikam,
Dathustham kapha sammisram vishamam kama sambhavam.

Reading this daily or once in two days,
Or once in three days or once in four days.,
Would remove diseases caused by rheumatism, bile and phlegm ,
And those by evil spirits and the very severe collection of them .

Other sorrows caused by actions from far off or black magic,
Or problems caused metal and phlegm and problems caused by passion,

17.Bhoothabhishanga samsargam Bhootha cheshtadhi samsthitham,
Shivagnam Ghora manthrena Poorva vrutham swayam smara.

In case of the visits of ghosts or when troubles are caused by ghosts,
Remember this powerful chant told before as per the orders of Lord Shiva.

18.Thyaja deham manushyasya dheepam gacha Maha jwara,
Krutham thu kavacham divyam sarva vyadhi bhayrdhanam.

When man’s soul goes away from the body due to great fever
The above divine armour would completely remove the fear of disease.

19.Na bhadanthe vyadhayasthwam , bala graha bhayani cha,
Lootha vishphotakam ghoram sirorthircha dwivigraham.

You would not be affected by the disease or the fear from planets,
Or the terrible eruption of pox or head ache or any other diseases.

20.Kaamalaam kshaya kasam cha gulma asmari bhagandhara ,
Soolonmadham cha hrudrogaya krutha pandu vidhardhim.

21.Athisaradhiroga mscha dakini peedaka grahaan,
Pamavi charchikaa dhadhru kushta vyadhi vishardhanam,

22.Smaranaan nasayathyasu Kavacham soolapanina,
Yasthu smararthi nithyam vai yasthu dharayathe nara.

Diseases like jaundice , tuberculosis , enlargement , s tones in kidney , fistula,
Soola ,lunacy, diseases of heart , lucoderma , dysentery ,
The attack of ghosts and troubles caused by planets ,
Herpes, itching , eruption, leprosy and the poisonous bite,
Would all vanish if this armour of Lord Shiva is remembered,
Or thought of daily or when this armour is worn.

23.Sa muktha sarva paapebhyo vased shiva pure chiram,
SAnkhya vruthasya dhanasya yajnasyaa astheeha sasthratha.

24.Na Sankhya vidhyathe Sambho Kavacha smaranadhyatha,
Asmad samyagidham sarvai sarva Kama phala pradham.

He would get freedom from all sins and live for long in the city of Shiva,
And Lord shiva would not consider it as same as remembering his armour,
Doing of Penances, charity , fire sacrifices and living strictly according to shastras or ,
Doing all of them for his armour leads to the fulfillment of all desires.

25.Srothavyam sathatam Bhakthyaa Kavacham sarva karmikam,
Likhitham thishtathe yasya gruhe sayaganuthamam.

Making others hear with devotion this armour leads to success on all fronts,
And writing and establishing it in our house is in total very good.

26.Na thathra kalahodhwego na kala maranam bhaveth,
Na alpa prajaa sthriyathathrana dourbhagyam samasrithaa.

There would not be quarrel or shock nor untimely death,
Nor less children nor only girl children nor bad luck .

27.Thasmad Mahesawaram nama kavacham deva ganarchitham,
Srothavyam padithavyam cha manthavyam bhavukapradham.

And so this armour of Mahesawara is worshipped by hoards of devas ,
And making it heard or reading or explaining it leads to prosperity.

28.Sri Maheswara kavacham sarva vyadhi nishoodhanam,
Ya padethu naro nithyam sa vrajachangaram puram.

The armour of Maheswara leads to curing of all diseases,
And that man who reads it daily , would live in the city of Sankara.

Ithi Sarva vyadhi haram Sri Maheswara kavacham sampoornam
Thus ends the armour of Maheswara which cures all diseases.
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