Soundarya Lahari Sloka number 29

Soundarya Lahari  Sloka number 29 

Soundarya Lahari  Sloka number 29 helps in avoiding abortion and ensuring safe delivery.

"Kireetam Vairincham Parihara Puraha Kaitabhabhidaha
Kathorey Koteerey Skhalasi Jahi Jambhaarimakutam!
Pranamreshvetheshu Prasabhamupayaathasya Bhavanam
Bhavasyaabhyutthaaney Thava Parijanokthirvijayathe!"

Literal Meaning:"At the unannounced arrival of Shiva at Thy abode, Thou springest up in such hurry to receive Him, that Thy attendants, in their concern for Thy safety, caution Thee, crying out, 'take care of the crown of Brahma, avoid tumbling over the heavy diadem of Vishnu, beware of the crest of Indra!'"

RESULTS:Taming of wild animals, bringing bad characters to righteous path, quick and easy delivery in the case of pregnant women.

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